Friday, February 5, 2010

JSR 168 Portlets -- IPC with Custom Events not working in IE6

Description :

Widgets (Featured news,Email,Calender,Todo's,Metrics) not working when I go to detailed page and come back to the landing page .

We are using two portlets (Left portlet and Right portlets) for this ..Widgets are in Left Portlet and we are displaying contents in Right portlet.

Based on Widget selected(left portlet option selected) we are displaying the contents in right portlet.

Those two portlets are JSR618 (Java) portlets,Asynchronous mode =enabled and Interportlet Communication based on customevents

When we selected any option in left portlet it is firing the event in the right portlet based on that we are getting the contents and displaying the content.

This approach is working fine when we go to the landing page first time.

The problem is -- If I go to any secondery page and come back to the landing page and select any Widget (option) in the left portlet custom events are not working .

Observation and findings on this issue:
First time go to landing page put the curser on the widgets( left portlet options) I see in status bar http://localhost/intranet/appmanager/verizon/myportal.

When I go to next page come back and put the curser on the Widgets(options) I see in status bar "javascript:bea.wlp.disc.xie._service.update(http://localhost/intranet/appmanager/verizon/myportal?_nfpb=true&_nfxr=false&_pageLabel=intranetvz_portal_vso_page)"

the above java script is not working in IE6. I tested in IE8 It was working perfectly. This problem is related to IE6.

Please see the below link for more details(my posting in Oracle Weblogic portal forum)